Buy now Comfort Atul Gas Geyser with Heavy Heat Exchange and enjoy your winter bath.
Comfort Atul Gas Geyser is a Copper wired and Heavy Heat Exchange Gas Geyser. It includes Automatic Ignition with Auto Gas Flow Cut-Off Timer for extra safety. Stainless Steel Burner is provided for longer life. Maximum temperature of this Geyser will be 90 degree C with 6L of Water capacity. It is Safe as per ISI Norms. For any accidental flame out, Safety device is also provided.
Key Features:-
1. Automatic ignition
2. Over Heat Protection
(Auto Cut-Off & gt; 90 degree C)
3. Extra large Copper Heat Exchanger for Instant Heating.
4. Stainless Steel Burner for long life.
5. Safety Device for Accidental Flame Out.
6. Gas Flow Cut Off Timer (20 min) for extra safety.
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